With the holidays fast approaching I've become very busy with family stuff and have had no time to read. No reading means no reviewing as you can see since the blog has become pretty neglected. So I've decided to book my Christmas vacation which means Passion for Pages will be quiet until after January 1st.
I hope all of you have a great holiday and I'll see you after the craziness calms down.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Review: All the Wrong Reasons

Title:All the Wrong Reasons
Author: J.L Paul
Publication Date: February 24, 2011
Source: Borrowed
Summary (from Goodreads)
Irelyn's life is headed in the right direction: College education, new friends, fantastic boyfriend. Her dream of writing romance novels isn't too far out of reach. Her relationship with her family is good. And to top it all off, she's positive her boyfriend is going to propose soon. Yes, life is wonderful.
Until that night with Lucas changes everything.
Maybe it’s just me and I’m in a reading funk, but 98% of the books I’m
reading just aren’t doing it for me. When did books stop thrilling me? You remember those. The ones that kept you up
late and made your eyes hurt because you just couldn’t put it down. Sure I’ve
read a couple of those over the last few months, but most of what I pick up
lately is just lacking that all night enthusiasm.
All the Wrong
Reasons definitely sounded like it had promise. People were raving about it,
comparing it to other popular books (which I haven’t read yet) so I figured
what the hell? I’m left wondering why I even bothered.
It was just another mediocre read for me. It started off awkward - maybe
it was me or maybe it was the writing. JL Paul didn’t seem to find the proper
groove for the book until half way through and by then I was a lost cause.
Irelyn is caught between the good on paper guy Dustin and the good in
bed guy Lucas. She’s been dating paper guy for over a year when suddenly, after
two vodka and crans and a very brief conversation with Lucas – seriously it was
like “hello” and then all of a sudden HELLO – she tumbles into bed with him.
She’s guilt ridden she’s screwing over the wonderful boyfriend but not guilty
enough to stop screwing Lucas.
See the potential this story could have? Instead I was left feeling like
I was reading fan fiction. Maybe it was fan fiction. I can’t keep track of
everyone that’s making a buck from someone else’s characters. No, I don’t have
a problem with authors who start out as fan fiction writers, good on you for
doing it! But come up with your own characters if you want to venture into
publishing so I’m not left feeling like I’m reading recycled crap. (Okay, I admit
some fan fic turned o-fic are good. I’ve actually loved a couple of them
knowing what they had started out as, and then there were others that I was in
the dark about. *sigh* I’ll just stop being a bitch now)
The book wasn’t crap, okay? Not crap. I think teens would like
it. But I’m no teen anymore and I’m looking for a lot of bang for my buck.
Delicious, juicy, descriptive bang. Can someone send something like that my
way, please?
Monday, November 26, 2012
Review: Red Zone

Title: Red Zone
Author: Sherri Hayes
Publication Date: February 7, 2013
Source: Publisher via Net Galley
Summary (from Goodreads)
After a case ended badly for Rebecca Carson, she’s losing her mind sitting around her apartment waiting on her superiors to allow her to return to work. Since she was a teenager, the only thing she’d ever wanted was to join the FBI. Now that dream was in danger.
Gage Daniels has made a pretty good life for himself. A nice house. A career he loves. As a professional football player, he’s used to getting almost everything he’d ever want with just the snap of his fingers. This includes women. A well-timed smile is usually all it takes to attract the opposite sex, especially in Nashville.
When a stalker threatens Gage, the team owner calls an old friend, Rebecca’s ex-partner Travis Hansen, to help protect his star quarterback and find the person responsible. Hansen offers Rebecca the job, and she jumps at the chance. It’s work, and it will get her out of her apartment. How bad can it be?
Posing as Gage’s girlfriend, however, isn’t as easy as it seems. The man is relentless. Rebecca must work to protect Gage while staving off his advances. She’s there to do a job, nothing more. The last thing she wants is to be another notch on a hotshot athlete’s belt.
As the stalker continues to up the ante, Rebecca finds it harder and harder to keep her distance from Nashville’s star quarterback. He isn’t what she expected in one of the city’s most notorious playboys. Now all she has to do is keep him safe until they can find his stalker, and hope she doesn’t lose her heart in the process.
I’m not a
football fan, but after reading Red Zone all I wanted to do was watch men in tights tackle each other—much
to my husband’s joy. He’s been trying to get me interested in football for
years. I think he wants to send Sherri Hayes a gift basket for making this
miracle happen.
I admit that I was a little hesitant to
request Red Zone. The summary was
catching and made it sound like a good read, but the only book I have read by
this author was Slave and I wasn’t a
huge fan of it. So yes, I was a little worried that I wouldn’t enjoy it and end
up giving it a not so favourable
review. But I’m so glad to say that wasn’t the case. And have you seen the
cover? Yummy.
I can’t say that I was
a fan of Rebecca’s. To me she was just so one dimensional. Maybe it was because she had a hard time
expressing her feelings or was unsure of how to feel about everything, but she
really just seemed to lack emotion most of the time. Even when, as a reader,
you knew she did care she was just so reserved that it was hard to connect with
her as a character. It was clear she cared for her sister and even for Gage,
but it would have been nice to see a little more depth to her.
It also seemed
a little off for an FBI agent she didn’t really seem to know all that much
about being undercover when it came to looking and acting the part. It was a
minor thing, yes, but it just bugged me. I would think it would be second
nature for her to know that if she was playing Gage’s girlfriend that she
should look the part. I get why Hayes had her the way she was, so the hero could draw out that side
of her no one else saw, but it just made her seem very unprofessional.
I did love Gage, though. I have a thing for
cocky, arrogant asses who are actually sweethearts beneath their cold layers. Although,
I found myself wishing he was older the entire time. Not too much older, like 5-10 years, maybe. He’s twenty-six, so early
to mid-thirties at the most would have been better for me. Maybe it was because
of his actions or the things he said, he just seemed older than his twenties.
Although being an athlete I know the older you get the sooner you’re out, so
making him young made sense. (Plus, he’s the youngest of four brothers) Either
way I still loved him.
If you like a little mystery
with your romance than you should pick up a copy of Red Zone. It is the second
novel in the Daniels Brothers series, but it does stand alone. I haven’t picked
up the first novel, but I think Behind
Closed Doors will be the next one added to my (very long) TBR list. And
with two more brothers in the family there is potential for two more books—I’m
hoping for a “Paul and Megan” story to follow.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Review: Harbour Falls

Title: Harbour Falls (A Harbour Falls Mystery #1)
Author: S.R. Grey
Publication Date: October 31, 2012
Source: Author
Summary (from Goodreads):
Best-selling author Maddy Fitch, researching material for a new novel, returns to her hometown of Harbour Falls to investigate a disappearance that has haunted the tiny Maine coastal town for the past four years. Maddy soon discovers that the case has gone cold, but the prime suspect, Adam Ward, is hotter than ever. Now living on an isolated island, Maddy takes up residence near the sexy Mr. Ward's home. As she begins to seek out answers, the mystery deepens, putting Maddy in jeopardy.
Lies, secrets, deceptions. Nothing is ever what it seems in Harbour Falls.
I love a good
mystery—actually my favourite is an erotic mystery. Now, while Harbour Fall doesn’t fall into the
erotic category, it was a good mystery novel.
Maddy Fitch
goes back to her hometown to write a novel surrounding the unsolved disappearance
of a local girl. Swept up in the mystery of Fade Island and suspecting
everyone, Maddy soon finds herself attracted to Adam Ward, the main suspect in
the disappearance of the local—his fiancée.
Adam has been attracted to Maddy since their
high school days. Now that she’s back and living on his island it seems like the
perfect time to make his move. Only how will he feel when he founds out the
real reason she’s back in town?
Harbour Falls is one of those
novels that once I got into it, it sucked me in and I was suspecting everyone
of murdering Chelsea. It definitely kept me interested and wondering who done
it—until about half way through when I figured it out. Well, I figured half of
it out. There is a little twist in there. There is also a mystery within the mystery of this book since it’s
the first in a series.
There were a
couple of things I didn’t like, though. There’s a scene where Maddy and Adam
set up a date and she sees him drive by with a woman in the car and gets completely
jealous and wasted before he shows up for their date. I didn’t like her constant
insecurities when it came to Adam, or her actions that night. Any man in his
right mind would have taken one look at her drunken jealous behaviour and hit
the road.
Adam went from
being slightly childish to super aggressive and possessive in a flash. Like
when he left the café when Julian (Maddy’s ex) arrives, yet sneaks into her
cottage afterwards as if it’s okay. I don’t like controlling men…you know,
unless it’s in the bedroom. So his stalker like tendencies irked me.
Speaking of Julian,
I thought his visit was pointless. Even though he is mentioned in the book as
Maddy’s ex, I don’t think there was a need for him to be a real character.
Except to make Adam act like a territorial ass, which he succeeded in doing,
but it was still pointless.
Over all I
really enjoyed the book. It could have done with another edit or two, but the
minor misspellings and grammar errors weren’t enough to pull me out of the
story. There are a lot of unanswered questions I have so I’m really glad there’s
a squeal. I look forward to reading the next one in the series.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Review: On Dublin Street

Title: On Dublin Street
Author: Samantha Young
Publication Date: August 31, 2012
Source: Bought
Summary (from Goodreads)
Jocelyn Butler has been hiding from her past for years. But all her secrets are about to be laid bare…
Four years ago, Jocelyn left her tragic past behind in the States and started over in Scotland, burying her grief, ignoring her demons, and forging ahead without attachments. Her solitary life is working well—until she moves into a new apartment on Dublin Street where she meets a man who shakes her carefully guarded world to its core.
Braden Carmichael is used to getting what he wants, and he’s determined to get Jocelyn into his bed. Knowing how skittish she is about entering a relationship, Braden proposes an arrangement that will satisfy their intense attraction without any strings attached.
But after an intrigued Jocelyn accepts, she realizes that Braden won’t be satisfied with just mind-blowing passion. The stubborn Scotsman is intent on truly knowing her… down to the very soul
On Dublin Street was yet another book
I picked up because of its popularity. I liked it, but I didn’t love it. It kept
me wanting more, but not in a stay-up-all-night sort of way.
Joss had a
rough start, losing her parents and sister in a car accident when she 14 and
being thrown into foster care. Because of this she closed herself off
emotionally to everyone around her, which at times got to be downright
annoying. What I really didn’t understand was why Joss went into foster care in
the first place. Surely, with how liked her parents where, there must have been
someone her family would have set up as guardian. It just seems a little odd
that they made sure everything was set up financially for her in case something
happened to them, yet they didn’t bother to make arrangements for her care
otherwise. It said Joss had an uncle but he didn’t want to be bothered raising
her. Fine. What about those close friends/neighbours? They were like family,
why wouldn’t they take her? It’s just something that didn’t sit well with me.
Braden is the hot
Scot with a fairly messed up past and family situation himself. Is it odd that
I loved how he had imperfect teeth? I get so tired of reading about these men
who have no flaws whatsoever, so reading that this guy had somewhat crooked
teeth and wasn’t totally image perfect made me like him even more.
I didn’t like
how he controlled Joss, though. Like with her hair being down and wanting to be
the only man who knew how beautiful she was. That bugged me. It made me wonder
what else he would want to end up controlling in the future.
He also came
off as kind of a child considering his age. When he found the ticket to
Virginia and Joss told him she was going home, he didn’t ask any questions like
a normal person would, like “for how long?” “when?” “why?” etc. He just stormed
out of her bedroom and pouted like a five year old. And then he stole the
freaking ticket! Seriously, he’s supposed to be 30, not 3.
Now I get it,
Braden is hot. But Joss is apparently always so wet around him I was starting
to get concerned she may develop a mildew problem. And her constant freaking
out over him doing things that were intimate? If I had to read “it was more
than sex” one more time, I was going to give up sex because it would forever
remind me of that phrase—or at the very least, scream.
Her constant
shutting people out was annoying after a while. Yes, I get it. Once you lose
someone so close, or several people in her case, it’s hard to feel like the
bottom won’t fall out from under you again and leave you drowning. But she
didn’t even try.
“His words sank inside
me so deeply I couldn’t breathe. Who was this guy? Was he real? He lifted my
hand to his face, his fingers gliding softly along my jawline, and curving down
my neck. I shivered. Yes, he was real. And for the next three months he was mine.”
I thought this
was the start of something, the start of Joss letting him in, of letting someone in. But no, of course not. That
would have made it too easy to not screw things up.
Although, even
with all her damaged shit, Joss never really pissed me off—until (SPOILER) she
took Ellie’s tumor and made it all about her. She was the curse. She couldn’t
believe this was happening again because of her.
She couldn’t face dealing with it. She didn’t want Braden or Ellie to need
her. She was going to lose Ellie.
There was no thought of Ellie’s family or anything, it was all about her and
how it was going to affect her. Self-absorbed
much, Joss? What a selfish cow! How
about thinking about someone else for once?
In the end she
did redeem herself, though. And even though I didn’t love the book, I have to
admit I did kind of love the epi.
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