As Darkness Gathers
by Emma Elliot
Release Date: September 9, 2014
Genre Romance/Suspense Romance/Contemporary
ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-325-6
When their plane goes down in the Canadian wilderness, Finch Rhodes’s and Clay Gandy’s lives become entwined. Together they face the unforgiving elements of unfamiliar terrain in winter. With their lives at stake, Finch and Clay are forced to rely on one another to survive, and they forge a bond that lasts even after they are rescued.
Finch struggles to adjust to normal life upon returning home, hindered by seemingly harmless mishaps that soon escalate into brutal attacks. She once again comes to rely on Clay, but as the connection between them deepens, the threat against her grows.
I was so excited to
see a new novel out by Emma Elliot. Even more excited that it featured one of
the characters from her debut novel A Thin, Dark Line. Although I admit it’s
been awhile since I read her first book and needed a little reminding of who
was who.
Now, you don’t need to
read book one to read this one at all. The only thing they have in common is
Clay and the story works without knowing his involvement in A Thin, Dark Line.
That being said, pick up the first book. I loved it.
As Darkness Gathers is
one of those books you’re pretty sure you’ve figured out who the bad guy is,
but you doubt yourself because she couldn’t possibly make it that easy so you’re suspicious of
everyone yet still surprised when you find out the truth.
The plane crash was
done so well it actually felt like I was there with them trekking to find help.
Elliot has a way that her words flow so together-like that it’s as if there’s a
painting right in front of you displaying the scene you’re reading.
I adored Julia’s
character. She was fun and quirky and sexy and a baker! I don’t know why, but
books with characters that own a bakery or love to bake are gems to me.
I loved how strong and
take charge Clay was. The way he took care of Finch was swoon-worthy, you can’t
help but fall in love with him right along with Finch.
The only complaint I
have is that it wasn’t long enough! I swear it felt like it was over minutes
after I started reading it. Which, of course, is how you know you’ve gotten
your hands on a damn good book.
Emma Elliot first developed a love of suspense when she was six years old. She was hiding from her cousins and sister in a closet in her grandmother's house when she discovered a passageway, though not so secret, linking to another closet. She stumbled upon a stack of worn Bobbsey Twins mysteries in that seeming labyrinth, and she spent much of her childhood there, by choice, reading mystery novels by flashlight. Her love of reading and writing grew simultaneously. Soon she was creating her own variations of the stories she read and penning her own tales. Through bouts of working as a tutor, an editor, an apple- and peach-picker, a waitress, a dog walker, a nanny, a retail associate, and a reservationist at a ski resort, writing has remained her passion.
She currently lives on the eastern seaboard and considers herself a wandering homebody. She travels often for work, which provides fodder for the imagination and plentiful hours to write her next novel while sitting in airports.
~~Also by Emma Elliott~~