Black Rose
by Kris Thompson
It's better to die on your feet than beg on your knees.
Release Date: November 13 , 2014
Published by The Writers Coffee Shop
Genre: Fiction/Romance/Suspense/Thrillers/
ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-247-1
Available from: Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and TWCS PH

When I first started
reading Black Rose I thought for sure I had read something like it before. The
story was just so familiar. And then I realized no, it wasn’t something I had
read but something I had watched.
Anyone remember the
movie Kiss the Girls? Well, this book
seemed to have an almost identical plot to that movie. Even the prologue was
pretty damn close to how the movie started. Was I about to read a rip-off of
one of my favourite films?
In my opinion….yes and no. It would seriously surprise me, like knock me over with a feather surprise me, if the author has never seen Kiss the Girls, because the book verses movie is just too similar for it to be a coincidence. That being said, there was just enough differences to keep Kris Thompson from being called a plot thief…hopefully.
Now, did I like the book? That would be a big HELL YEAH!
The story sucks you in
from the very first page. Kris Thompson is a very talented story teller and you
can definitely see that in her work.
Lillian (Lee) is a
very strong character. She’s smart and feisty and it’s that fire inside her
that keeps her determined to escape the hell she finds herself in.
The secondary
characters in this novel are just as strong as the main ones. While the story
is about these girls being held captive and what they had to live through,
there is also another story going on within the story of Richard (Lee’s
boyfriend) and her brother trying to find these girls. You get a glimpse inside
everyone’s head, even the abductor.
That being said, there
were a couple of things that bugged me about it.
These girls are being
abducted and held prisoner by some psychopath that uses them as his own
personal sex toys. But they all seemed lighthearted the majority of the time
while being held captive. They laughed and joked with each other, they
discussed their sex lives… That just struck me as incredibly odd. These girls
are being raped (and beaten) on a daily basis, yet they still find it amusing
entertainment to talk about their past sex lives because “they weren’t getting
anything good down there”. What?!
As smart as Lee was, I
found her to be incredibly stupid at times. Not just with the way she taunts
the psychopath, but her actions are sometimes so juvenile you just wonder,
It wasn’t until
towards the end of the book when I finally saw some reality hit. Lee was
finally acting like someone who had gone through a traumatic experience.
Nothing was funny anymore; she finally acted like the whole thing wasn’t some
big twisted joke. She was scared and lashed out in a way that you would expect
anyone in the same situation to do. She finally, FINALLY, showed some real
emotion about the whole thing.
The ending is strong,
but, since it takes places 6 months later, I feel like we were cheated out of
that whole time. I would have liked to have seen Lee (and the other girls)
grow, to see all the work they had to do to overcome some a horrible
But like I said, the way the story ended still came out strong and wrapped the book up nicely.

~~Praise for Black Rose~~
"There are just not enough words to describe how great I thought this book was! I completed it in one sitting, refused sleep till I was finished.
A psychotic killer is abducting women, holding them hostage for days and days while raping and torturing and killing in a most horrendous way. Except you know this by reading the back of the book. What you dont know is the story inside...there is so much more."
A psychotic killer is abducting women, holding them hostage for days and days while raping and torturing and killing in a most horrendous way. Except you know this by reading the back of the book. What you dont know is the story inside...there is so much more."