Welcome to the first addition of In the Spotlight! This post will run every Thursday...for as long as I have interested parties, anyway ;) I'm spotlighting both authors and bloggers, so if you want to participate or know someone who might, send me an email (in contact info) and we'll set up a date.
Today, I welcome Ashtyn from Wonderland's Reader
About the blog
Tell us about your
My blog, Wonderland's
Reader, is themed after Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, a
book that I absolutely fell in love with after reading! I feature mainly Young Adult book reviews,
author interviews, guest posts, and a couple weekly memes. I try my best to post every Monday,
Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday!
How did you come up
with your blog name?
It actually took me a
while to come up with my blog name. I
went through two different blog names before finally settling with Wonderland's
Reader which I am so happy with.
How long have you been
I started blogging on
June 11, 2012 so I'm still a baby blogger.
I've learned so much since starting though! The reading/writing/blogging community is so
welcoming and nice. It's really been a
What made you want to
review books?
My love for them, of
course! But I also really wanted to make
a blog so I could share my thoughts and feelings about what I had read. Not many people I know in "real
life" are passionate about books as I am so I figured I could share my
love with people over the internet instead!
What is the most
enjoyable thing about blogging? The hardest?
The most enjoyable
thing about blogging for me is the community.
I've made so many awesome friends and met a lot of great people that
have introduced me to new books and welcomed me with open arms. Before starting my blog, I had no idea how large
the reading community really was. It's
also pretty awesome being able to talk to some of my favorite authors for the
first time!
Who has been your
favourite author to interview/guest post so far?
I've only done a few
interviews and gust posts but my favorite has been of Hannah M. Davis, the
author of Voices of Angels. She was my
first interview and it was so cool learning more about her books and her as a
What advice would you
give to others who are just starting out?
Don't be afraid to ask
questions. This is something I struggled
with when I first started out. I didn't
want to come off as someone who had no idea what was going on so it took me a
while to really learn the best ways to do things. Older bloggers are always willing to help out
newer ones (at least, that's what I've discovered). Also, be social! Get a twitter, comment on other blogs, make
some friends! Not only is it really fun,
it will bring in more views and followers to your blog!
About the blogger
What is a normal day
like for you? Take us through your usual routine.
Right now it's pretty
boring since I have school. I wake up,
die a little as I crawl out of bed, get ready, suffer through my classes, go
back home, read, read, read, do some homework, write a review, read. Cut out the school part and it wouldn't be all
that bad!
What do you like to do
in your spare time?
Read, obviously :) But
also am working on my own story, so I write a lot, too. I hope to be published some day and I'm
enjoying practicing and learning more about the publishing industry.
Is there a certain
book that has made a lasting impression on you?
Yes! Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I loved the creativity of the book and the
wonderful world and characters. It was
really like nothing I'd ever read.
Another more modern book that made a big impression is Sweet Evil by
Wendy Higgins. That book pushed me to
make my blog and was the first review I posted on it!
Other than your own,
what blog do you think totally rocks?
I really love The
Story Siren blog! Not only does Kristi
(the blogger behind the blog) write some wonderful reviews, she also was a big
help to me when I was just starting out.
She has a section of her blog reserved for blogging tips and I read
those posts so much, I practically have them memorized!
Is there a certain
genre of book you will not read?
I tend to stay away from horror. My over active imagination just can't handle
that imagery.
If you could choose
one book to turn into a movie, what would it be and who would you cast?
Would it be cheating
to say The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare? Yes, the first is already being made into a
movie but this is one series I've always wanted to see as a film. With a plot like it has, that movie is sure
to be pretty awesome. And I would keep
the cast the way it is, even though I think that Alex Pettyfer would've made a
better Jace than Jamie Campbell Bower.
If you were stranded
on a desert island, what five things would you want to have with you?
My Laptop, my nook, my
cell phone, a map, and a tent. I'm just
going to pretend that all those electronics would have unlimited battery charge
Bonus Questions
Chocolate or potato
Chocolate WITH potato
chips. Don't knock it till you try it!
Cuddling in front of a
fire or under the stars?
Under the stars!
Favourite book/pizza
toppings/TV show
Book: Obsidian by
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Pizza Toppings: Pineapple, Olives, Sausage. And cheese, obviously.
Coffee or tea?
Tea. But when I make it, it turns more into milk
and sugar with a tea-ish undertone.
Paperback or ebook?
Paperback! Nothing beats the feel of an actual book in
my hands!
Thank you, Ashytn, for participating! Make sure to check out her blog for some great reviews!
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