Lincoln Ladies
New England Trilogy, Book 3
by Suzy Duffy
Release Date: October 30 , 2014
Published by The Writers Coffee Shop
Genre: FICTION/ Contemporary Women/ Romance/Contemporary
ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-274-7

Guest Post
Learning to let go (and
loving it)
I know we have to start letting go almost as soon as
we’re born. Babies cry when
they separate from their mothers. Toddlers hate leaving to start school. Life
is full of change and I accept that; but moving from Ireland to America hit
with me an experience I never thought I’d face and definitely wasn’t prepared
for. Truth be told, I’m still adjusting.
I got married and had my babies in Dublin. There, the tradition is to go to a nearby
school and then onto one of the excellent universities the city has to
offer. Students aged 18 -21, who live in
Dublin continue to live at home! Don’t get me wrong, they
still manage to escape. During the long
summer months, it’s traditional for
third level students to head to Australia, the USA, maybe the Far East. I think they try to get as far away as
possible but they always come back. When
they finish college, they usually get a job and then move out. Here in the USA, things are very
different. Their babies – BABIES – leave home at eighteen
and head to college. Sometimes it’s only a three hour drive
but they can go up to 5 thousand miles away.
When I first heard about this, I didn’t worry because I thought
we’d be back in Ireland by
now and my eldest would still be safely under my wing. We’re not and she’s gone.
I’m going to suffer a
double whammy because, like the American kids, she’s gone to college for
term time but she chose Trinity College, back in Dublin so like the Irish kids
she’s going to travel during
vacation time with her Irish buddies. So
I’m slowly coming to terms
with my new situation. She. Is. Gone.
She’s not really coming back.
I may get a long W/E or two and Christmas.
They don’t do Thanksgiving
in Ireland so we’ll do that
without her. It really is my worst
nightmare and yes, I cried my heart out as reality hit me.
It was about this time last year when I got the
distinct feeling that she and I were moving toward a precipice together. It was
inevitable, unavoidable and after that point, she’d go one way and I
another. I started to write about
it. That was the birth of Lincoln Ladies
– Line 1 on page one…
“Mom, are you ready? We seriously have to go.”
There was no way I could hold her back or change the
situation. All my Irish friends still
have their kids living at home and all my US friends get to have their kids
back for summer. I don’t. As last year
moved on, I realized I was going to have to figure a way to get through this
transition. We set up all sorts of cell phone apps to talk for free, text and
send photos. She’s not beside me but she’s still in my life. I began to focus on the things I would do
with the gap in my life her exit would create. I had to learn to let go and be
at peace with it.
Here’s the irony. She has four younger siblings and that gap
has closed fairly swiftly. I’m focusing on my other
children and writing more than ever. I’ve even joined the gym
again. (First visit tomorrow morning – waghhhh.) I’ll be honest and she
knows this. I think the idea of her
going was a lot worse than her actually going. Do I love her being gone? No,
but just like Kate Kavanagh in Lincoln Ladies, I’m using the time I would
have spent with her in other fun ways. I
haven’t come as far as Kate but
I’m working on it and I’m open to suggestions,
friends - because I have another daughter leaving me in two years and going to
have to go through all of this again…. I can feel a sequel
coming on!
Here’s to letting go, ladies
and right now I’ll settle for
liking it.
Lots of love,
Suzy XXX
Ok now blink and ….

Suzy's Other Books