Immortal at the Edge of the World
Book 3 of the Immortal Series
by Gene Doucette
Release Date: October 2 , 2014
Published by The Writers Coffee Shop
Genre: FICTION/Fantasy/General & Fantasy/Contemporary
ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-276-1

Adam’s back!
Yes, I actually
squealed that when I first saw the cover for the third book in the Immortal
series. It’s been two years since I last had an Adam fix and I’ve been waiting,
and waiting, and waiting to find out
what happens next.
Was it worth the wait,
you ask.
Uh, yeah! And the fact
that you even have to wonder that proves you’ve obviously not read the first
two books in this series. Shame on you! They are a must read, and in order to
follow the story you really need to read them before you get your hands on this
Now, I admit that the
book was a little slower for me to get into up until the middle. Part 2 is
really where it took off for me and flew by.
After a two year span
between the last book and this one, I was so glad to see Doucette hadn’t lost
that spark that is Adam. He’s still the same sarcastic immortal he’s always been.
I’m always a little worried the author will lose what makes the characters special
when there’s such a huge gap between books. Especially when they’ve put out new
books and have gotten into the heads of new characters. Will they be able to go
back and find that voice that made the character unique after so long? The answer
to that when it comes to Adam is obviously a big hell yeah!
You can expect the
usual thrilling adventure with this book. Questions the reader, and Adam, have
are finally answered. Old friends are brought back. New friends are made. We experience
loss and love and a big ‘ole surprise that not even Adam saw coming.
I’m sad to say goodbye
to Adam, but I loved how the series was wrapped up.

Praise for Immortal at the Edge of the World
"Brilliant end to the trilogy, with much twistiness involved in tying up all the plotlines. Lots of humour and typical Adam-ness - but no spoilers from me. You'll just have to read it for yourself. I think this might be my favourite of the series.+ - Andrea Goodreads Review
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