Title: Nursing Second Chances
Author: Maggie Greene
Publishing Date: May 13, 2012
Source: ABG Reads Book Tours
Summary (from Goodreads):
A Honey Creek Sweet Romance
Kiersten Hart left Honey Creek the minute she graduated high school and never looked back. When her sister Jeanine is widowed and left to raise two children alone, Kiersten moves back on a temporary basis. When Charles steps in and sweeps her off her feet, she has to decide if the wounds from her childhood can be mended.
After his wife died, Charles Webber swore he’d never love anyone again. He buried himself in his work and didn’t look up until he found out his son was sick. Moving to Honey Creek was supposed to make things easier. Kiersten does little to help keep things simple. Though he is taken with her, he soon realizes the casual relationship they agreed on is turning serious. As their expiration date approaches, Charles must decide if Kiersten is worth the risk.
Don't forget to check out Maggie Greene's guest post about what inspired her heroine.
I always have mixed feelings when it comes to novellas. I like a well
thought out plot with characters that have depth. I want a back story. I like
to know where they’ve come from, what makes them tick and what has led them to
be the kind of people they are. I want conflict and intrigue that’s drawn out
enough to keep me interested but not so long that I lose interest and it
becomes boring because I just don’t care what happens anymore. And then I want
an ending that feels like it has really completed the story- happily ever after
or not, it doesn’t matter. I just want to feel like I’ve gotten something out
of the read. It’s hard (for me) to feel like I can get that from a novella.
Second Chances is a sweet story, it really is. I think it has a lot
of potential to be a great book, but I just wasn’t feeling it as a novella.
I didn’t really learn anything about the characters besides a few thrown
in facts. Charles used to be a big time lawyer and lost his wife in childbirth.
How? Not exactly sure because all we’re told is it was “some weird
complication.” That could have been built on so much from Charles’s point of
view, but it was left at that. Oh, we also learn that he’s a volunteer fireman.
Um, yum! That earns Ms. Greene brownie points right there.
Kiersten ran away from the small town she grew up in because of rumours.
Yes, rumours. Again this could have been such a great plot! Found in the
backseat of a truck with your boyfriend? Not a big deal, really. Found out your
boyfriend made a secret sex tape and showed it around? Yes, that would have
definitely been humiliating enough to run away from. If a character is going to
run from something, make it worth running from. I just thought the author
exaggerated the fallout from the rumour that was spread about Kiersten in high
school. I know small towns are built differently – I’ve lived in them and know
how suffocating they can be – so yes, it would have followed her around for a
while. But, as a reader, I just don’t believe it would have had the consequences
the author wrote about. Sure Kiersten would want to run away from her past and
go somewhere where she could start over. That I totally get. But…I don’t know.
I just don’t think it would have been as blown out of proportion as it was perceived.
I did, however, really love Jason. He was such a sweet little boy and
his actions to gain Kiersten’s attention toward the end was almost
heartbreaking. I would have loved to have read more interaction between
Charles, Kiersten and Jason as a “family” unit. And I really did enjoy the
budding relationship between Kiersten and Charles. They were a sweet couple,
both coming with baggage and uncertainty about what they wanted, but it was
that part of them that helped them discover what they together.
There was one thing that really felt off and that was the reason behind
Kiersten moving back home. She was supposed to be there to help her sister
after her husband’s death. But we never see Kiersten actually doing anything to
help her sister. Considering she was supposed to be there to help with the kids
she was rarely with the kids. I just think that could have been included more
in the story so we get a real sense of why she’s there.
I know that novellas are rushed stories and it’s hard to fit a lot of
information into it because that would defeat the purpose of writing a short
story. But as a reader, if I’m going to read a short story I want it to be one
that’s well written and interesting. As sweet as Nursing Second Chances is, I really didn’t get enough out of it. And
I hate to say that with this one because I truly believe it has the potential
to be amazing.
**I received a free copy of Nursing Second Chances for an honest review
You can find the schedule for the rest of the tour here
Nursing Second Chances is available from
Turquoise Morning Press
Barnes & Noble
I enjoyed this book but I agree with wanting more. It is so hard reading short stories. I wish they could all grow up to be long books. :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to review my book and for hosting me on your blog today.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the opportunity to be a part of it :)
DeleteThanks for being apart of the blog tour :) Novellas are hard b/c you get so involved & end up wanting more.
ReplyDeleteNice honest review. I'm a new follower from Book Blogs. I hope you'll check out my blog and consider following me back. http://kellyhashway.blogspot.com
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DeleteThanks for your honest review. Sounds like an interesting book.