About the Book
Tell us a bit about
your novel.

It’s really a novelette,(I have a full-length
novel in preparation at the moment); a ghost tale set between the 16th
century and 1930. The traditional
haunted house is the theme – only I hope with a bit of a chill and a splosh of
What gave you the idea
for your book? How long did it take
you to write?
It started with an image: a skeletal figure
(probably left over from Thurnley Abbey and other tales) – dressed in cobwebs,
holding out a rotting bouquet . . . I wanted to see how quickly I could write a
novella/novelette of publishable length; it took a few weeks to complete, even
so( that is, of time broken up between other commitments).
Which character was
your favourite to create? Why?
I think
most of them were my favourites: Lydia, ‘cause she has to act as hostess and
find room for everyone on top of dealing with hysterics and unnerving
incidents; Gregory perhaps, because he works it all out, is plucky and at the
same time, gentle in a quiet way. But I think Gerry Torbin the historian , that
‘baggy haystack in tweeds, has a special
If you were asked to make a soundtrack for
your novel, what songs would be on it?
I suppose anything from the 20s, like Charleston, Somebody
Stole My Gal – as well as the music used in the trailer, by the talented Kevin
Macleod : an excellent atmospheric piece
: “Oppressive Gloom” : (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tJkOUmwMIk&feature=g-upl)
If your book was
turned into a movie, who would you choose to play the leading characters?
Tricky – there are so many good UK character actors about ... I suppose if the budget
could stretch from half of the Downton
Abbey cast to half
What’s your writing
process like? Was there a part that was difficult to write?
I tend
to write in sections which then need to be sewn together; that can be ticklish
but usually if I sleep on it . . . things tend to roll together.
Do you ever use real
life experiences in your books?
Perhaps unconsciously something gets filtered
through – not something I deliberately attempt to do.
About the author
What is a normal day
for you? Take us through your usual routine.
Very mixed up – depends what I am doing –
preparing a trailer, organising a tour, preparing a spotlight, writing (hah!
Yes – even that . . . ) painting/illustrating . . .
When you’re not
writing, what else do you like to do?
Would be nice to have time to read properly –
painting too; would like to focus on Chinese painting and sculpture, and tons
of other things – including gardening.
How do you balance
real life (work, kids, getting prepared for the zombie apocalypse) with being
an author?
Everything gets slotted together according to
priority – and real life for me does also mean being an author. Every day is
different ,so planning will vary – as will results!
Tell us about the day
you found out your book was going to be published. How did you react?
It was rather quiet and all done by email; I
think I felt a sense of relief – but
because of the way things are, I don’t rely on anything until I see it out
there – whether on a physical bookshelf or a virtual one.
Is there a certain
book that has made a lasting impression on you?
Probably Wilkie Collins’s Moonstone; it has
travelled with me everywhere; more recently , Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell –
but then, what about all the others? . . . impossible to choose really.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what
five things would you want to have with you?
If I couldn’t have my laptop with internet
access (;) ) then at least pen and paper. Probably an empty bottle too . . .
and perhaps some seeds for growing vegetables. Might be a long winter there . .
. and a tabby cat.
Going back to your
high school years, what were they like? Do you think they shaped the person you
are today?
Schooling was necessarily a patchwork affair,
as my father’s work took us to various continents, so no very fixed memory of
anything specific. Reading books – all books – I would say was the main aspect
of the shaping process. I feel that if people
are taught to at least read and write, they need never be bored or lacking
creativity unless they choose to.
Bonus Questions
Red or white wine?
Red, from the Veneto
: pinot nero or raboso.
Favourite movie/TV
Enjoying the latest season of New Tricks, Dr
Who, and waiting impatiently for the next Sherlock series.
(B.Lloyd's author in crime, V.R. Christensen, will be spotlighted in a couple of weeks!)
Thank you so much for hosting me on your lovely blog! It feels very comfortable here ... ;)
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