About the Book
Tell us a bit about your novel. Sara Howell is a young woman who’s just
starting to find herself.

She’s lost her boyfriend, her job and has to figure
out where to go next with her life. Opportunity knocks in the form of an offer
to ghostwrite a politician’s biography and an affordable home on an isolated
island. She’s enjoying the solitude, but almost immediately, things start
happening which indicate Sara might not be alone there.
The house once
belonged to Sara’s favorite writer, Seth Fortner. In 1925, Seth disappeared and
no one knows what happened to him, so when Sara uncovers a trunk of Seth’s
letters in the attic, she’s immediately caught up in solving the mystery.
Strange and terrifying
things start happening, and Sara begins to wonder if Seth still lingers on the
island. Slowly, she begins to draw Seth out of his shell as she learns more
about his experiences in WWI, the heartbreaking story of what happened to his
wife, and his family.
What gave you the idea for Ghostwriter? Years ago, I read an article about the “Iron
Harvest” that emerges from the soil every spring when the farmers at Verdun
plow their fields. I’d known the bare facts about the battle, but something in
that article resonated with me and I found myself wanting to learn more about
it. The horrors of that battle are nearly incomprehensible. I tried to imagine
what it would have been like for the soldiers who were there. In my research, I
ran across another article which mentioned the American Field Service, and how
many famous writers (Hemmingway, e.e. cummings, and Somerset Maugham, just to
name a few) served as ambulance drivers during WWI. That’s how Seth was born in
my mind.
How long did it take you to write? That’s a difficult question to answer because most
of the “writing” has already been done in my head long before I sit down at the
keyboard. Since I was a child, I’ve always “written books” in my head. It
wasn’t until last October that it occurred to me to actually type some of them
I may re-write the
whole thing half a dozen times in my mind before I consider it “done.” I may
wander from story to story as the mood takes me, going back to it as
inspiration strikes. It can take as little as a week or as much as several
years. There are a couple I’ve been writing since I was a teenager that I still
haven’t “finished.” So, the actual physical process of writing Ghostwriter only took a couple of
months, but in reality, it took much longer to create it in my mind and revise
until it was a fully actualized story.
Which character was your favourite to create?
Why? I’d say it would have to
be Seth. Though he’s the ghost, he’s the one who was haunted. He was able to forgive
the people in his life that wronged him so terribly, but he was never able to
forgive himself for the things he had done. He had a problem that many of us
do: avoidance. He tended to shut down instead of deal with his problems, and
that’s something that he has to learn to do over the course of the novel.
Seth was also
afflicted with an issue that we’re still dealing with today: Post-traumatic
stress disorder. We saw it in some of our veterans from Vietnam and it’s
becoming a topic of public discourse again as our troops return home from Iraq
and Afghanistan. The military has tried to increase awareness and develop new
treatments because alcoholism, depression, and suicide among service members are
on the rise. In 1916, they didn’t understand PTSD, though many of the
recollections written about the Battle of Verdun talk about the haunted eyes of
the men who were there.
If you
were asked to make a soundtrack for Ghostwriter,
what songs would be on it? I’m not sure. Music is intensely personal and
everyone interprets it differently. What evokes a mood in one listener might
strike a completely different chord in another.
If your book was turned into a movie, who would
you choose to play the leading characters? That’s another thing I’ll have to leave up to the readers. Everyone sees
a different “movie” in their heads as they’re reading. Witness the arguments
online as to who should be cast to play this role or that from a beloved book
series. I also recall Anne Rice’s outrage when Tom Cruise was cast in Interview with the Vampire, but once she
actually saw him play the part, she was enthralled.
What is your favourite scene in the book? I thought long and hard about this question
because it’s like asking which of your children is your favorite. But the scene
that kept coming back to me is the one where Sara is trying to gently introduce
Seth of some of the modern world by playing music videos for him on her
About the author

Tell us about the day you found out Ghostwriter was going to be published.
How did you react?
It still
seems like a crazy dream. It all happened in a whirlwind and my head is still
spinning. I’m going to tell you a story, one which seems like it should be in a
novel of its own.
Supposedly, Lana Turner
was discovered by a Hollywood agent at a soda fountain; I never imagined things
like that really happened, or that it would happen to me, of all people.
I just started writing
last October. (Ghostwriter will be
released one year and one week after I started posting my first story on
Fanfiction.net.) That first story had about a dozen regular readers and I was
delighted with that. Since the stories had only existed in my mind up to that
point, that anyone was reading them at all made me happy.
Then I started Written in the Stars. The first day, it
had one hundred fifty readers. I was shocked. At the end of the first week, it
had a thousand. I remember staring at the screen, dumbfounded, certain there
had to be some sort of glitch in the software. It just didn’t seem possible.
Three days later, it was up to three thousand. I started getting scared. I
never expected anything like that.
Exactly one month after I began, it had six thousand visitors.
One morning, a message
appeared in my inbox. A publisher wanted to know if I had ever considered
writing original fiction. I read it half a dozen times, and then cynicism
kicked in. It couldn’t be real, I told myself. I Googled the name of the
sender. Sure enough, there they were, on the publisher’s website. I called my
husband at work and told him not to get excited because I still wasn’t sure if
it was real. I’d never heard of anything like this happening. I thought the way
people got published was through finding an agent and submitting manuscripts
and such.
Even now, it still
doesn’t seem entirely real. Someone told me that it may finally sink in when I
hold the published copy of Ghostwriter
in my hands. I’m curious to see if they’re right.
Is there a certain book that has made a lasting
impression on you? Every book
I’ve ever read has made an impression on me. The good ones taught me how to
tell a story. The bad ones taught me what to avoid. Just like a baby learning
how to talk, writers learn to write by listening to the voices of other
If you
were stranded on a desert island, what five things would you want to have with
you? A library, a Starbucks, a Hilton, a restaurant and an airport.
Oh! You meant survival
gear? A Bowie knife, flint, a mirror (for signaling planes) a waterproof tarp
and a sheet of clear plastic for distilling water.
Besides the practical? A solar-powered battery
charger, a fully-loaded Kindle, a laptop (so I could write), a hammock, and the
aforementioned Bowie knife, in case I have a whim to take up whittling.
If I had those little
luxuries, I might be perfectly happy on a tropical island. Especially if there
were monkeys I could train to be butlers. I’ve always wanted a monkey butler.
I have to ask, considering what the plot is
about, do you believe in ghosts? I’ve never met one, but I’m open to possibilities. Truthfully, I think
the “ghosts” we’re more likely to be afflicted with are the ones inside,
regrets we carry with us, sorrows or thoughts of what might have been if we had
taken another path.
What’s next for Lissa Bryan? I’m in the editing process of my second novel.
If all goes well, it may come out sometime early next year. I’ve also made a
start on my third, but I haven’t had much time for writing lately. The editing
process took up far more of my time than I expected.
Bonus Questions
Favourite movie/TV show/food/season? It’s impossible to narrow it down to just one!
TV: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rome, Battlestar Gallactica, Futurama
Movie: Lord of the Rings, The Princess Bride, V for
Vendetta, Forrest Gump
Season: Spring
Who would you give the award to for best first
kiss (in a movie)? The kiss at
the end of the movie Slumdog Millionaire
always brings tears to my eyes. It’s the first between the hero and heroine,
who have both gone through so much before they could be together. Because of
that, it’s the most significant kiss I’ve
ever seen in a film.
Sweet or salty? Salty. I’m probably the only woman in the world
who doesn’t really care for chocolate. My family knows better than to get me a
birthday cake or ice cream because I won’t eat it.
Worst fear? You’ll laugh … Clowns. I’ve always been strangely terrified of people in
costumes. Mickey Mouse, Santa Claus, sports mascots. But clowns are especially horrifying
with their fierce glee and ghastly makeup.
Thank you, Lissa! To enter to win an ebook of Ghostwriter, simply comment with your name and contact info. (I'm not good with those fancy giveaway forms, so yes, simple and boring is best) Your last day to enter will be October 12th and the winner will be announced October 13th. Good luck!
If you'd like to follow the rest of the tour:
October 6th - -www.sherrygomes.com Interview and Giveaway
October 7th - http://saritadreaming.wordpress.com Character questions, review and giveaway.
October 8 - http://myfictionnook.com - Review, Interview and Giveaway
October 8 - http://myfictionnook.com - Review, Interview and Giveaway
October 10 - Italy brats Obsession - Review, Interview, giveway
October 11 - www.wordedit.com (The Daily News - UK) - guest post, interview
October 12 - http://myreadinglounge.blogspot.it/2012/08/lets-talk-about-ghostwriter-by-lissa.html - character interview, review, and giveaway
I love your answers about the music/actors for the movie version of your book. So true and profound. And the ghosts within us... yes, and Amen. Great interview!!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! Incredible book!!
ReplyDeleteI am in awe of Lissa, learning that her next novel is already in the making! I don't own a bowie knife, but I could lend you my Japanese Katana sword, LOL! Great interview. And of course, I want to win a copy... =D
What an awesome interview! To see an author get started is wonderful. To see an author with great talent working on her 3rd book... Amazing! I look forward to all the future publishing of Lissa! Wishing for much continued success!
DeleteGreat interviews. Would love to have a copy so that I can read this book. Lissa is a great writer and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.
Love this and can´t wait for my chance to read, =)
ReplyDeleteHappy Release!!
best wishes, Linda
fr_larsson at hotmail dot com
Great interview!
ReplyDeleteLove this and can't wait to read more. I've been drooling since the first chapter teaser.
That was a great interview!