Wednesday, March 26, 2014

WWW Wednesday 3/26

WWW is a weekly event started by Should Be Reading

Another Wednesday, another time to share what's taking up room on my reader and keeping me up at night.

What are you currently reading?
 A Betty's Pledge by Emma Husher immediately intrigued me when I read the summary. So far so good. I'm really loving this one!


What did you recently finish?

Sexting by G.B Hope was.... well, let's just say I wasn't a huge fan of the book but something kept drawing me back to it. You'll have to check out  my review in two weeks to know what I'm talking about.

What do you think you'll read next?
 I recently found Under These Restless Skies Lissa Bryan on my reader - a book I had been given months ago. I started it but couldn't get into it so I put it aside and then kind of forgot about it. But I've loved every single one of Lissa Bryan's previous novels so I think I'm going to give this one another go.

Until next week!

1 comment:

  1. I'm intrigued to see what you made of Sexting! :-) Happy Reading!


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